On a fine winters night, in the candles soft glow,
They laid out the cards, the Dreamy Tarot.
The breeze whispers secrets of futures untold,
Each friend's fate in the cards to unfold.
And as dinner ends, and night grows late,
The cards come to life, sealing their fate.
Welcome to the beginning of your journey! It’s time to conquer the world with childlike innocence and joy.
This card represents unlimited potential, new beginnings and taking risks. Step into the unknown with unwavering faith and trust in the Universe. You are yet to learn your lessons, but in your faith lies infinite wisdom. The white rose in the Fool’s hand symbolises purity of mind and heart, and the feathers in her hair show that she is a free spirit. The mountains represent challenges ahead, but nothing is impossible to overcome if you continue to trust your path.

The Magician
Now is the time to take inspired, heart-centred action and turn your ideas into reality.
The Magician is a bridge, a vessel between two realms, using the power and wisdom of the spiritual realm to manifest in the physical realm. The Magician stands with one arm stretched upwards and the other pointing down, representing his connection to these realms. The four symbols of the Tarot suits around him represent the four elements (water, earth, air and fire). This shows that the Magician has absolutely everything he needs to manifest his desires, and so do you. Trust that the universe will provide.
the high priestess
It is time to prioritise your intuition rather than logic and the conscious mind.
The High Priestess wears a horned crown, a symbol of her sacred knowledge and status as a divine ruler. The crescent moon symbolises her connection with the divine feminine, her intuition and the natural cycles of the moon. She is the guardian of the subconscious mind, showing you that all the answers you seek come from within. Connect with your Higher Self through visualisation, meditation and inner work to access the sacred knowledge sitting deep within your soul. She also calls you to connect with your divine feminine side.

the empress
This card reminds you to focus on what is abundant in your life. Whether it’s finances, health, or meaningful connections, express gratitude for it.
The Empress embodies Mother Gaia, signifying a strong connection with creative, sensual and nurturing feminine energy. She stands inside a lush red rose wearing a robe patterned with pomegranates. This is symbolic of beauty, femininity, fertility and abundance. The Empress also suggests birth. This could be a physical pregnancy or the birth of a new idea or project. No matter what lies ahead, remember to notice and appreciate the beauty around you.
The Lovers card represents meaningful relationships and conscious connections.
This powerful card of sacred, divine union depicts a naked man and woman in the fertile Garden of Eden. The angels have blessed these lovers, showing their unity as part of a universal grand plan. Their foreheads touch where their third eyes reside, symbolising vulnerability, trust, honesty, and open-heartedness. The lightning on the right represents the fiery passion of this divine union. In contrast, the snake and fruit represent the temptation of pleasures that may take one’s focus away from divinity. This card highlights that the power of choice is yours. The choice of who you want to be with in this lifetime, what relationships you wish to nurture, and how you choose to connect with others.

knight of cups
If you have been looking for romance, this is a sign that it is finally coming your way.
The Knight of Cups is a lover, not a fighter. He is here to sweep you off your feet with his grand romantic gestures and deep emotional intelligence. His emotions and actions are in perfect balance. He is deeply in touch with his feelings and isn’t afraid to act upon them. On a deeper level, this card means that your emotional needs will be met, either by someone else or yourself. The Knight of Cups is ruled by his heart, so ensure you tune into your feelings if you are making a decision.
This card is a good sign for anything related to career and finances.
The King of Stars is immensely proud of his accomplishments that resulted in such abundance. He sits on a stone throne carved with bull and ram heads, wearing a robe decorated with grapevines to symbolise his material success. His castle stands tall behind him, and he sure does love to be in power. Embody self-discipline, confidence, ambition and diligence, the qualities of this King. This will help you take the final step in achieving your goal.

Cast: The Fool - Jake,
The Magician - Tom,
The High Priestess - Annie,
The Empress - Rhi,
The Lovers - Rhi & Jordan,
The Knight - Erica,
The King - Tiaan.
Photography: Tale Studio / Sabastian.
Videography: Hazily Film / Freya.
Costume Design: Anamundi Studio / Jasmine.
HMU: Cedar Purchase.
Dreamy Moons Tarot came from a place of sincere love and divine inspiration. Deeply inspired by Rider-Waite Tarot, Dreamy Moons Tarot contains a lot of traditional symbolism with a celestial twist. This special limited edition features light cards, hence the name Lightworker. If the dark symbolises the subconscious dimension, the light symbolises the conscious realm. What needs to be brought to light?
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